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One of the most popular categories of erotic model on the Internet is the Hairy Legged
female category... Therefore, if you have always had unusually Hairy Legs, or know of
a lady with unusually Hairy Legs, please contact us! You could be making some easy
money, as well as building an incredible following...
NOTE: We DON'T expect most women to be this Hairy!!! These are "Extreme" examples...
Most women spend lots of time and money removing hair from their legs... And in our opinion for the "average" woman this is probably O.K.? However, for the woman with really DARK and "noticeable" Hair Growth, this can be MONEY in the Bank. And it is a myth that men don't like Hairy Legs on a Woman!!! In fact,
in many cultures this is accepted and considered to be very "Sexy". So, if you
have really noticeable or "unusual" leg hair growth, you could have men going "nuts" over you! And you DON'T need to be as extreme as these girls...